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Newest article Why is Sleep So Important for Teenagers? A Sleep Expert Explains Quick Guides Aug 31, 2022 Why is Sleep So Important for Teenagers? A Sleep Expert Explains It’s not news that sleep is super important to our health and overall wellbeing. It’s an essential function that allows our bodies and minds to recharge at the end of each day and without it, our brains wouldn't work properly. It’s advised that adults get around 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night, but research has shown that 14-17 year-olds need even more! Which poses the question, why is sleep so important for teenagers? Read more Want to Win a Better Sleep Bundle? It's Time To Enter Our Sleeptember Giveaway! News Aug 30, 2022 Want to Win a Better Sleep Bundle? It's Time To Enter Our Sleeptember Giveaway! Sleeptember is officially here! Throughout the month of September, we shall be sharing our top tips to help you get your best night's sleep. Whether you struggle to fall asleep or you're longing to become a morning person, we've got you covered! Celebrating Summer Solstice with Bex Parker Smith News Jun 21, 2022 Celebrating Summer Solstice with Bex Parker Smith We know how good the sun makes us feel! So, to celebrate Summer Solstice, we've teamed up with yoga teacher and writer, Bex Parker Smith, to embrace Surya Namaskar and the yogic Summer Solstice tradition of practicing 108 sun salutations! Join Bex in celebrating the sun and all its wonderful benefits with a short Sun Salutation session, and read on to learn more about the practice of Surya Namaskar. Father's Day Gift Guide for Ultimate Wellbeing Quick Guides Jun 13, 2022 Father's Day Gift Guide for Ultimate Wellbeing Whether you’re wanting to treat your father, grandfather, father‑in‑law (or favourite father‑figure), we’ve rounded up some of our favourite wellness brands to give the gift of wellbeing this Father’s Day! What is Circadian Rhythm? Quick Guides Jun 5, 2022 What is Circadian Rhythm? Ever wondered why we're programmed to go to bed when it's dark and wake when it's light? Spoiler: it's not because our ancestors decided their sleep pattern would follow the rising and setting of the sun. It's due to human biology and something called our circadian rhythm. Not sure what that is? Don't worry, we're here to explain. What is Biophilic Design? How to Design a Home for Your Wellbeing Quick Guides May 25, 2022 What is Biophilic Design? How to Design a Home for Your Wellbeing Did you know we spend 90% of our lives indoors? And since the pandemic, a large percentage of our time inside has been spent at home. Now more than ever, our homes act as multifunctional spaces. From working and socialising to exercising and sleeping, our homes have become more than a status symbol. But how do we create spaces that look after our wellbeing, while serving their newfound purpose? It's time to say hello to Biophilic Design… 5 Journal Prompts for Mental Wellbeing Quick Guides May 10, 2022 5 Journal Prompts for Mental Wellbeing We all know the saying, a problem shared is a problem halved. Whether that's talking it out or writing it down, getting what's in your head out into the world can be such a cathartic release. This Mental Health Awareness Week, we're joined by Wellbeing Guru Jodie Melissa to shine a light (no pun intended!) on journaling and its ability to shift your mindset.  What is Sleep Anxiety and How Can You Treat It? Advice from Sleep Expert Stephanie Romiszewski Quick Guides Apr 21, 2022 What is Sleep Anxiety and How Can You Treat It? Advice from Sleep Expert Stephanie Romiszewski Do you go to bed worried or frightened that you might not be able to get to sleep? You could be suffering from sleep anxiety. Whether you’re concerned about physically getting to sleep or dreading how distressing and lonely it feels to lay awake in the middle of the night, these negative thoughts before bed can be incredibly anxiety-inducing. Does this sound familiar? We’ve teamed up with Sleep Expert Stephanie Romiszewski to share her top tips for understanding sleep anxiety and how to treat it. 1-2-1 Breathing to Help You Sleep from Richie 'The Breath Guy' Quick Guides Apr 13, 2022 1-2-1 Breathing to Help You Sleep from Richie 'The Breath Guy' You've had a crazy day at work and feel exhausted - it's time to hit the hay. You get into bed but your mind is still racing through everything that happened today or all the things you need to do tomorrow. Even though your body is tired, for some reason your mind just won’t shut off. Sound familiar? Then breathwork could be the answer... How to Reduce Stress Before Sleep: Expert Advice from The Joyful Coach Quick Guides Apr 4, 2022 How to Reduce Stress Before Sleep: Expert Advice from The Joyful Coach Do you often find yourself stressed and unable to get a good night’s sleep? You’re not alone! Research has shown that high levels of stress can reduce your time spent in REM sleep (the deepest sleep stage), as it triggers your ‘fight or flight’ response. This causes your heart rate to elevate, your breathing to quicken, and prompts a surge in cortisol (your stress hormone). Not the ideal environment for a peaceful night’s sleep! That’s why it’s so important to prioritise your evening routine, making the hours before sleep as stress-free as possible.
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